Sunday, 10 February 2013

Blog and the City.

There it is. My column written for a platform connecting fashion, bloggers and cities they live in - Blog and the City. If you ever wondered where I live you can now find out. I live in a town that is historically connected to shoe-making. That's a good enough excuse to buy more shoes, isn't it? You can read it all here. I hope you'll enjoy it! Thank you Blog an the City for featuring me on your website.  It's been a pleasure to tell this short story to your readers!


  1. Brawo, gratulacje! Wczoraj byłam z Jakubem w sklepie z ubraniami, w pewnym momencie on podszedł do wieszaka i ściągnął z niego płaszcz, mówiąc: O, kolory Ewy Siemion! Widocznie też zagląda na bloga... :D

    1. czuje sie mega zaszczycona :) zwracam sie z prosba o przeslanie Jakubowi najgoretszych wyrazow wdziecznosci za wspieranie meskiej czesci publicznosci iamshoeshopping :)
